Thursday, July 8, 2010

Something really nasty and dangerous is going on in India’s neighbouring island. In May 2009 the bloody civil war between the Tamil Tigers (LTTE) and the Sri Lankan government ended but during those final months of the war it has been reported that massive war crimes were committed by both sides and even today, thousands of Tamil civilians are stuck in camps.

India has taken a very unquestioning line towards the Sri Lankan government. Basically, the Indian government has looked the other way – to the extent that the Sri Lankan President had the gall to brag about how he doesn’t care about international pressure as long as India is happy.

In the name of fighting terrorism, the Sri Lankan government has killed thousands of innocent Tamils and has closed off the country to foreign journalists and organisations like Amnesty International. Local Sri Lankan journalists have had to flee the country because of a very real threat to their lives and some have even been killed.

Don’t allow the Sri Lankan government to get away with this. Today it is Sri Lanka, tomorrow it could be another country that will start killing innocent civilians in the name of fighting terror.
Certainly watch this chilling Channel 4 video. It has been authenticated by the UN so what you see is the truth.

2. Read this excellent International Crisis Group Report and watch the video below
At the end of your article, please remember to link to the online petition –

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